My face. Year1

Year 1 have been learning for the parts of the face in English. They learnt the main parts such as ear, nose, mouth, etc. They played games and memorized the parts by practicing with the speaker. After  we had done the learning part of the class, students got  the chance to have fun.

In groups students were given a paper plate and various pieces of card, string, glue and scissors. They were given the task of making a face. You can take a look at some of the unique designs here. Each group had an original design.

After making the faces, students were able to develop their skills further. In their groups they presented their face to the class, explaining each part and giving it a name! Classes like this encourage our children to speak and participate in learning English in a dynamic and fun way.

Click here

Geolocalization around 22@

On the 18th May our students of Pere IV invited the pupils of Cardedeu to take part in an interactive treasure hunt around the buildings of 22@ . We were also kindly joined by Consorci d’Educació and the  Department of Education they came to help us and observe what we have been doing.

Students used geolocation apps to to navigate around the clues and uncover hidden secrets about the famous 22@ landmarks in Poble Nou district. They have been working on this project during the year preparing questions, clues and descriptions of buildings.

We hope you enjoy looking at our pictures as much as we enjoyed taking part in this project. Click here


During the first and second term we have done several activities in English about the classical tales choosen in class by the children.
We have learnt vocabulary that appear in the different tales.
We have watched videos in English of several classical tales.
We have acted out some stories : Goldilocks, Little Red Riding Hood, and The Seven Goats and the Wolf. Doing this activity we have practiced some vocabulary and some basical language structures. At the same time we have had a good time .
We have done several activities on the paper: artistic, logical( order sequences, order sizes) and without paper( identify vocabulary trough the images, through shapes , listening…)
We have played some games like bingo

Now you can see some video about the stories. Have a nice time watching them!

Revista de Sant Jordi 2017

Arriba una nova edició de la Revista de Sant Jordi de l’escola Pere IV.

Com podeu llegir en el pròleg, de nou,  i tot adaptant-nos als nous temps, ser més respectuosos amb el medi ambient, abaratir costos i ser més funcionals la tindreu en FORMAT DIGITAL només.  Teniu així l’opció de compartir-la en família a través la pantalla de l’ordinador, a la pantalla de la televisió…

El tema de la Revista d’aquest any, com veureu, és  parlar d’una activitat reeixida de l’aula o curs..

Volem que la gaudiu de valent!!

Per fer-la gran, cliqueu sobre la mena de quadrat que teniu a sota,i per apropar-la i allunyar-la cliqueu a sobre.

our school is cool!!

Mireu quin video més divertit han fet els grans de l’escola per a les portes obertes, tot presentant, en 2 minuts, el nostre centre educatiu amb una aplicació d’ipad… Felicitats, nens i nenes!!