Our family. P3

This is a brief example of an Unit developed for preeschoolers. The Unit is about FAMILY. The vocabulary showed was: Mummy, daddy, brother, sister and baby. We have done many activities, involving music, images, movement, oral expression of words, oral comprehension and active participation. I have choosen Peppa Pig’s family. We have watched a couple of Peppa Pig episodes. ( Picnic and making bubbles) We have listened a song talking about members of the family using the fingers. We have identified images of members of the family in different and usual situations of life. We have used finger puppets. We have dressed up as if we were a family. We have identified family members. We have done an oral dictation with different images. Click here for pics!

Penseu que, tot i que només veieu una classe, tots els nens i nenes deP3 fan les mateixes activitats i gaudeixen del mateixa manera....